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Python Programming

Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Python

  • Overview of Python and its features

  • Setting up Python environment (installing Python, IDEs)

  • Basic syntax and data types

  • Variables and operators

  • Input and output in Python

Module 2: Control Flow and Functions

  • Conditional statements (if, elif, else)

  • Loops (for loops, while loops)

  • Functions and their importance

  • Defining and calling functions

  • Scope of variables in functions

Module 3: Data Structures in Python

  • Lists and list manipulation

  • Tuples and tuple operations

  • Dictionaries and dictionary methods

  • Sets and set operations

  • Understanding data structures and their applications

Module 4: File Handling

  • Opening, reading, and writing files

  • File modes (read, write, append)

  • Handling exceptions and errors

  • Using 'with' statement for file handling

  • File manipulation techniques

Module 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python

  • Introduction to OOP concepts

  • Classes and objects

  • Attributes and methods

  • Inheritance and polymorphism

  • Encapsulation and abstraction

Module 6: Working with Modules and Packages

  • Importing modules and using built-in modules

  • Creating and importing user-defined modules

  • Understanding packages and their structure

  • Installing and using third-party packages via pip

  • Packaging and distributing own modules/packages

Module 7: Working with APIs and Web Scraping

  • Introduction to APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)

  • Making HTTP requests using Python

  • Parsing JSON and XML responses

  • Introduction to web scraping

  • Using BeautifulSoup and requests libraries for web scraping

Module 8: Introduction to Data Science Libraries

  • Overview of NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib

  • Working with arrays and matrices using NumPy

  • Data manipulation and analysis with Pandas

  • Data visualization with Matplotlib

Module 9: Introduction to Flask

  • Understanding web frameworks

  • Setting up a Flask environment

  • Creating routes and handling requests

  • Templating with Jinja2

  • Building a basic web application with Flask

Module 10: Introduction to Django

  • Overview of Django and its features

  • Setting up a Django project

  • Creating models, views, and templates

  • URL routing in Django

  • Building a simple web application using Django

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