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Java Programming
Course Content
Module 1: Introduction to Java Programming
Overview of Java programming language.
History and evolution of Java.
Setting up Java Development Environment.
Writing and running your first Java program.
Module 2: Java Basics
Understanding Java syntax and structure.
Data types, variables, and constants.
Operators and expressions.
Control flow: if-else, switch-case, loops.
Module 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming paradigm.
Classes and objects.
Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Abstraction and interfaces.
Module 4: Working with Classes and Objects
Creating classes and objects in Java.
Constructors and method overloading.
Access modifiers: public, private, protected.
Static and instance variables and methods.
Module 5: Arrays and Strings
Working with arrays: single-dimensional, multi-dimensional.
Array manipulation: sorting, searching.
String class and its methods.
String manipulation and operations.
Module 6: Exception Handling
Understanding exceptions and errors.
Handling exceptions using try-catch blocks.
Multiple catch blocks and nested try-catch.
Throwing and catching custom exceptions.
Module 7: File Handling
Reading from and writing to files in Java.
File input/output streams.
Working with text and binary files.
Handling file operations and exceptions.
Module 8: Collections Framework
Overview of Java Collections Framework.
List, Set, and Map interfaces.
ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashMap, etc.
Iterating through collections using iterators and enhanced for loop.
Module 9: Generics
Introduction to generics in Java.
Writing generic classes, methods, and interfaces.
Wildcards and bounded types.
Using generics for type-safe collections.
Module 10: Multithreading
Understanding threads and multithreading.
Creating and running threads in Java.
Synchronization and thread safety.
Thread communication and coordination.
Module 11: Java I/O and Networking
Input/output streams and readers/writers.
Socket programming: client-server communication.
URL and HttpURLConnection for web interactions.
Handling networking exceptions and errors.
Module 12: JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
Introduction to JDBC and database basics.
Connecting to databases using JDBC.
Executing SQL queries and processing results.
Handling transactions and database exceptions.
Module 13: Java GUI Programming (Swing)
Introduction to Java Swing framework.
Creating GUI components: buttons, labels, text fields, etc.
Layout managers for arranging components.
Event handling and listeners.
Module 14: Introduction to JavaFX
Overview of JavaFX platform.
Creating JavaFX applications and scenes.
Working with controls and layouts.
Event handling and animations.
Module 15: Introduction to Servlets and JSP
Understanding web applications and servlets.
Servlet life cycle and handling HTTP requests.
Introduction to JavaServer Pages (JSP).
Creating dynamic web pages using JSP and Servlets
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